vehicle tracking system no monthly fees. Which objects can technology serve construction machinery leasing industry?

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vehicle tracking system no monthly fees

In vehicle management, vehicle tracking system no monthly fees technology is to automatically send real-time dynamic vehicle data to the terminal through GPS vehicle equipment in the case of mobile communication network. After receiving this data information, the terminal displays the location of the vehicle on the map and gives instructions to trigger a series of functions of the device. It can realize vehicle safety guarantee, vehicle anti-theft protection, vehicle working status monitoring and so on.

Compared with conventional logistics, taxis and cars, construction machinery with more limited work locations and greater work load strength has more obvious demands for monitoring work status and vehicle driver safety. According to this feature, vehicle tracking system no monthly fees equipment needs to serve the object must have: machinery manufacturers, machinery sellers, users, insurance companies, banks.

First of all, quality control is very important for machinery manufacturers. The GPS device can help control the final product of the machine and facilitate the improvement and testing of the function of the machine. Then there is the problem of the sale of machinery, that is, to the dealer. The vehicle tracking system no monthly fees technology can be used to know the frequency of the use of the machinery in a certain area, which is convenient to develop targeted machinery sales plans.

The second is that for machinery sellers (for C-side customers), pre-sales and after-sales service is the most important. Many businesses have lost a lot of customer sources because the after-sales service has not been done. Like large machinery products, after-sales maintenance needs more experienced professional maintenance masters to operate, vehicle tracking system no monthly fees equipment can do better docking with manufacturers, feedback and solve problems at the fastest speed. Improve the level of after-sales service.

The third aspect is customer facing. The customer focuses on the functionality and stability of the machine. They need to query all the mechanical operation information through the GPS device so that they can do further work status analysis, and evaluate whether the driver has a sabotage, illegal operation, etc. In addition, it is necessary to estimate the operating cost of the machine itself, reduce unnecessary consumption, and improve the details that need to be perfected.

Fourth, for insurance companies, risk control is undoubtedly the top priority. In order to prevent the owner from violating the law and not paying the loan on time, stealing the car to cheat the loan, intentionally damaging the machinery and other problems, the vehicle tracking system no monthly fees equipment is essential. Omni-directional remote monitoring is not something that can be accomplished solely by manpower. This aspect of risk control also provides a good credit guarantee for the fifth aspect - bank lending. This can broaden the sales channels of agents and solve the problem of capital operation.

vehicle tracking system no monthly fees
