How does rail dowel work correctly?

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rail dowel

rail dowel is an important part of ensuring the safety of railway operation. rail dowel is divided into railway rail dowel and coal mine rail dowel. Coal Mine rail dowel is a rail-specific rail dowel used in coal systems. In order to ensure the safety of rail dowel and the safety of its operation, we have to operate rail dowel correctly, because the road operation of coal mine will directly affect the safety of coal mine operation. So what exactly do you need to do? What does rail dowel have to say?

rail dowel is an important part of ensuring the safety of railway operation. rail dowel is divided into railway rail dowel and coal mine rail dowel. Coal Mine rail dowel is a rail-specific rail dowel used in coal systems. In order to ensure the safety of rail dowel and the safety of its operation, we have to operate rail dowel correctly, because the road operation of coal mine will directly affect the safety of coal mine operation. So what exactly do you need to do? What does rail dowel have to say?

1. Sleeper buried should fully consider the design slope and density.

2. When using cement sleepers, we can lay wooden sleepers at the joint of the rail. All wooden pillows face down, but the width below should be greater than 10cm.

3. All rail joints should use fishplates consistent with the rail type to ensure smooth joints, and the gap should not be too large, with 5mm as the boundary. When installing the fishplate connection screws, pay attention to the fixing nuts arranged on the inside, and the length of the fixing nuts should be suitable for two half nuts.

4. When processing curved rail, the runner should be placed smoothly and constructed according to the principle of "one top and two pulls". "One top and two pulls" means that the position of the top this time is exactly the position of the next arrival (pull), so as to ensure that the arc is natural.

After the laying is completed, we should also clean the rock slag and ditches on both sides of the track and keep them clean. At the same time, we should transport the tools for laying the track to the designated location. We should take out the tail plates and bones we don't use and put them in storage. Only in this way can the construction be completely completed.

rail dowel
