4g long battery life gps tracker Why is there no signal indoors?

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4g long battery life gps tracker Why is there no signal indoors? Then it is necessary to understand the penetration ability of GPS microwave signals, the following is some friends do experiments to come out:

1) All metal entities will completely block the GPS signal. Note that car film containing metal coating also has a blocking effect on GPS.

2) Water with a thickness of more than 1 cm (liquid) will completely attenuate the GPS signal until it is unusable.

3) Glass and plastic have a slight attenuation of the GPS signal, so you can put the GPS in your pocket, or under the windshield of your car, or insert the sheath around your waist.

4) However, heavy non-metallic objects will completely block the signal, and a few centimeters of wood will completely block the GPS signal.

5) The wavelength of the microwave signal at 1575.42MHz is 19 cm, so it can theoretically pass through a metal mesh with a aperture (diameter) greater than 19 cm, or a common metal quilted structure, such as a transmission tower.

In this way, you can understand why there is no signal in the indoor 4g long battery life gps tracker!

4g long battery life gps tracker https://www.eelinktracker.com/4g-lte-wcdma-gps-tracker-long-battery-life.html
